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Cocktail Recipe Box

Cocktail Recipe Box

Most drink recipes seem to be “serious” and often targeted at the male home bartender — not these! Girls just wanna have fun and you will with our wide selection of creative cocktails.

Try our luxury cocktail recipes specially designed for a party with your lady pals.

Be the hostess with the mostess with these fancy at-home lady elixirs.

Add flair and more fiesta to your Taco Tuesday with our margarita recipe. Or enjoy a Metropolitan at your monthly book club meeting.

There’s always a good reason to pour yourself a drink to take whatever you’re doing with your lady friends to a higher level of fun.

Keep your drink secrets safe and secure in our printed recipe box. When the gals get together or if you just had a rough day and you’re feeling thirsty, pull out a recipe and give it a try. It just might be your new favorite. So what’s it gonna be tonight? Pick your sweet poison!


The cost includes shipping and handling.

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